Lena 1.5

Dear Lena,

You are 1 and a half. Tomorrow marks you being closer to 2 then you are to 1. You are my love. My little Lenaturtlebear. I can’t wrap my mind around how grown up you are becoming. You haven’t nursed to sleep the last three nights, instead you nurse then lay in your bed and say night night! See! Grown up!

Küssen for my sweet girl.


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2 Responses to Lena 1.5

  1. Jen says:

    Oh cute! I love the orange one piece, or is it pink? I got Mad another one, in black.
    We really have to get together soon!! I miss little Lena.

    • jebbiedoon says:

      Look!!! I realized how to get to your comments!! It is pink and it is a 2 piecer from babygap.

      So good to see you the other day!

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